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The Truth About Nicotine: Why Some People May Never Quit
Introduction: Nicotine, a stimulant found in various tobacco and vaping products, has long been a subject of controversy and debate. While many individuals strive to quit nicotine use due to health...

Vaping as a Harm Reduction Tool in the UK and the USA
In the ongoing discourse surrounding vaping, it's evident that the United Kingdom and the United States hold divergent views on its role and implications. While the UK appears more open to embrac...

Vitamin E Acetate's Link to THC Vaporizers
CDC and FDA recommend that people not use THC-containing e-cigarette, or vaping, products, particularly from informal sources like friends, family, or in-person or online dealers

The National Save Vaping Day Website states, “we are asking vape shops, online retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and other entities that want to see vaping survive to donate some, or even all...

LA Flavor Ban Passes Vote: How the Hearing Went Unheard
September 24, 2019 was a disappointing day for the Vape Industry and community. That morning and through the afternoon, hundreds of vape advocates attended the hearing for the ban of flavored tobac...

illegal THC Vape Carts: All You Need to Know About These Deadly Products
Injuries due to vaping are at an all-time high. Along with teen vaping. Articles on the dangers of vaping are flooding every news feed and social stream. But we're here to tell you... all vape is n...

Signs that Your Teen is Vaping
Parents and lawmakers are demanding action. The cause? An epidemic of teens starting to use e-cigarettes and other vape devices. The outcry for action also causes pressure on makers of e cigarette ...

Nicotine free vape juice plays an important role in the journey to quit cigarettes when using vaping as a smoking cessation aid. Nicotine Free Vape Juice is simply vape juice that does not have nic...

New Program for Youth to Quit Smoking or Vaping
This week nine states have joined forces for combating teen vaping and smoking. The launch of the "MY Life, My Quit" program aims to help youth under the age of 18 to quit vaping and/or smoking. Te...

Nicotine Testing: Nebraska School District is Fighting Teen Vaping
"Enough is enough," says a Nebraska school district when it comes to teen e-cigarette use. With the recent studies on the rise of vape and e-cig use among teenagers being published. Fairbury Public...