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Unveiling the Surprising Health Benefits of Nicotine
Unveiling the Surprising Health Benefits of Nicotine In today's health-conscious society, nicotine often finds itself at the center of controversy. Renowned for its addictive properties and associa...

While COVID rises in the U.S., the FDA continues on with its regulation of vape products. This time, the FDA focused on one of the biggest criticisms of the original ban on pods - disposable devices.

The PMTA vape deadline may soon be included in the list of things disrupted by the coronavirus. The FDA has filed a request for an extension for the deadlines of the pre market tobacco applications.

Derriford Hospital in UK to Allow Vaping
Hospitals in the United Kingdom have begun to make policy decisions that reflect the PHE’s stance on vaping. Two hospitals, City Hospital in Birmingham and Sandwell General Hospital in West Bromwic...

Counterfeit Juul Products – Cutting Costs and Cutting Corners
As they limited the access of their fruity and savory flavors, counterfeit and compatible products in the US skyrocketed. Juul pursued legal action and began to locate and serve legal notice to cou...

The National Save Vaping Day Website states, “we are asking vape shops, online retailers, distributors, manufacturers, and other entities that want to see vaping survive to donate some, or even all...

Michigan was the first state to announce a flavor ban at the beginning of September. As you may know, President Trump released a statement concerning his intention to ban flavored vapor products on...

LA Flavor Ban Passes Vote: How the Hearing Went Unheard
September 24, 2019 was a disappointing day for the Vape Industry and community. That morning and through the afternoon, hundreds of vape advocates attended the hearing for the ban of flavored tobac...

Have you heard of ECC? ECC is a popular vape convention and Ruthless Vapor has been going since the beginning of times. If you're thinking about going to ECC, here are the top 5 reasons why you sho...

San Francisco passes ban on e-cigarette sales
In what is probably the most drastic action taken by any government entity, San Francisco will be the first city to officially ban the sale of E-Cigarette sales within city limits. Merchants within...

Nicotine Testing: Nebraska School District is Fighting Teen Vaping
"Enough is enough," says a Nebraska school district when it comes to teen e-cigarette use. With the recent studies on the rise of vape and e-cig use among teenagers being published. Fairbury Public...

HB 1873: Washington's Tax on Vapor Products
The Washington State Legislature introduced House Bill 1873 to the public on February 26, 2019. For those who own vape shops this is a big deal. Although the taxed money will go to public health se...

Aussie Vape Day Launches as New Study is Released
If you have not heard of this holiday that is okay, as it’s brand new to Australia. This first ever Aussie Vape Day marks the day right before World No Tobacco Day, which is May 31.

Menthol, Cinnamon Top the List of Dangerous Vape Flavors
Popular e-liquid flavors have come into the limelight due to a recent study conducted by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The study analyzed six different flavors and the effects ...

FDA Flavor Ban: Flavored Vape Targeted. What About Alcohol?
Flavor is the hot-button issue within the industry. The FDA and other government entities are threatening to take away flavors in all vapor and tobacco products.

California Meeting on Upcoming Flavor Ban
The fight to keep flavors continues. On Friday, March 1st a meeting was held at the Norwalk Public Library to discuss the future of flavored E-liquid in Los Angeles County.

What is popcorn lung? Can you get it from vaping?
Have you ever heard of popcorn lung? The formal name for this rare disease is obliterative bronchiolitis. Is this substance found in e-liquid? Read more to find out.

Senate Bill 38 Will Ban Flavored E-juice
We are discussing a senate bill 38 & 39 that could have a great impact on the vape industry. In this post we will go over: What the bill entails, who is heading it and who they are and the impl...

Join Ruthless in Supporting the Tobacco Control Act.
Ruthless is an avid supporter of The Tobacco Control Act. The Tobacco Control Act puts specific restrictions in place when it comes to marketing tobacco products to children. Generally, these prov...

FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb has asked all media outlets to announce the FDA’s decision with regard to e-cigarettes and vaping using e-juice products containing nicotine and that 1,300 retail st...