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Swedish Match Snus And Nicotine Pouch Company Bought by PMI
Phillip Morris International (PMI) had bought Swedish Match, a company known for its snus and tobacco pouches. Swedish Match is an interesting tobacco company - it is a tobacco company that doesn’t...

Menthol Vape Pens From Logic Receive MDOs
Many Marketing Denial Orders (MDOs) have already been issued for vaping products. However, a large number of menthol vapes have been stuck awaiting a decision from the FDA. Menthol vapes were in an...

Juul and Altria End Non-Compete Agreement
Once, Juul was a company that dominated the vaping industry by a huge margin. Recently, Juul has been going through rough times. Juul has also ended a non-compete agreement with their parent compan...

Director of CTP acknowledges vapes as harm reduction
Brian King is the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) new head of the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP). Recently, Dr. King gave an interview to the Associated Press that has caught the attention ...

Prop 31 in California is likely the final step of Senate Bill 793 (SB 793), a bill introduced and passed in the California State that would ban the sale of flavored vapes.12/30/2022: The Supreme co...

11th Circuit Court rules against FDA on MDOs
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled in favor of a group of vape companies challenging their Marketing Denial Orders (MDOs) in court.

Yes, vape does have calories. Is it worth stressing out about though? Not really.

Philippines passes pro-vape Law
After a relatively charged election period, the Philippines have allowed a piece of pro-vape legislation to become law. The most notable part of the law is that it lowers the required age to buy va...

Vape Batteries Power Drones in Ukraine
Another story of explosions and vape batteries has arisen, but no longer due to mismanagement. Lithium ion batteries from disposable vapes are being used to power drones fighting in the Ukrainian war.

MDO and Stay Issued to Juul Labs
After nearly two years of waiting, Juul Lab’s infamous pod device has been issued an MDO (Marketing Denial Order) and were told to pull their products off the market immediately. Less than a day af...

FDA Approves First Disposable Vape
Recently, the first disposable vape device passed the PMTA approval process.

Mexico passed a decree that prohibits the “circulation and marketing” of electronic tobacco delivery systems, including both vapes and tobacco heaters. A previous general importation and tax law me...

Texas Highschooler beat by police for vaping
Yet another highschooler was a victim of police violence for vaping. Keitherine Williams, a black, special-needs student, was beaten and arrested for vaping in his highschool’s restroom.

HB1570 - The Ban on Flavored Vapes in Hawaii
HB1570 - A Hawaiian state bill, has passed their Senate. Originally proposed in January, 2022, the bill bans any flavored nicotine product from their state, which would ban flavored vapes from Hawaii.

There is very little research about how vaping specifically affects teeth. Many dental health sites will blame nicotine, tar, and tobacco for all sorts of dental problems without differentiating be...

Logic Power and Logic Pro Authorized by FDA
A few additional vapes have passed the FDA’s PMTA process - the Logic Power and the Logic Pro. Both. The Logic Vapeleaf, which is Logic’s heated tobacco product, passed the FDA’s PMTA process as well.

Synthetic Nicotine Regulation in Omnibus Bill
The 2022 Omnibus budget bill has passed the Senate, and with it, a rider piece of legislation that expands the definition of tobacco products to include tobacco-free nicotine.

Fentanyl is the drug that seems to end up in every single black-market drug. Now, it seems that fentanyl has made its way into questionable vape supplies.

2022 - The Rise of Disposable Vapes?
Despite all the legal challenges to vape, there is one kind of vape slowly becoming popular once more. Disposable vapes were popular in the past, and there is a renewed interest in them, and the ch...

New Study on Vapes and Smokers who don't want to quit
There’s a new study going around regarding the impact of vapes on smokers that have no intention of quitting smoking or cigarettes. The study tracks 1600 smokers who had no intention of quitting an...